Program. A SONCAP Certificate (SC) is a Customs clearance document mandatory in Nigeria for import/export purpose. It is issued by Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) on receipt of Certificate of Conformity (CoC) from the IAFs. The Certificate is applicable to SONCAP regulated products. SONCAP regulated products are products which, without the certification, are not allowed exportation to Nigeria. Every exporter of these particular products category is mandated to obtain the SONCAP certification.
In South Africa, the provisions of the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications Act (Act No. 5 of 2008) (NRCS Act) became into force on Sep.1st, 2008. All affected electronic product, must apply for Approval before being imported into South Africa. There are two types of certification: safety - NRCS(LOA) and EMI - Certificate (CoC).
As a professional consulting agent, we provide our clients more professional research and consulting services for various testing or certification.